We are also proud to be associated with Rutledge Omni in their offering the FireFly Blowout Ignition System or the ‘FireFly’ solution, a unique solution aimed to ignite uncontrolled escaping gases during a blowout. Public concern as well as your commitment to safety has created a need for a special class of safety equipment that deals with prevention of H2S from building up to toxic levels during a blowout situation. With FireFly, your sour gas well can be ignited safety and critical well safety is assured.
During an uncontrolled blowout, the FireFly will be activated, and ample warning and escape time will be given to allow for execution of the contingency plan. Once the FireFly discharges, the uncontrolled escaping gases are ignited, effectively killing sour gas well. The ensuring flame allows the resulting SO2 rise to the wind currents where it will be dispersed off safely over a very large area. If you are drilling a sour gas well near populated areas, speak to us on how we may help you in making strong your commitment to safety.