Air quality experts have come to the understanding that ambient air quality particularly for health critical pollutants is clearly a topic of small-scale assessment. Local microclimatic conditions regarding pollutant transport, cross reactions etc. may create an air quality situation differing significantly from a more aggregate observation. Adding short term pollution exposure risks as they have been provide in many epidemiological studies to the geographical small scale, makes it easy to see why a new generation of monitoring systems was needed.
Air Quality
We provide the state of the art air quality monitoring systems which is the leader of the new generation of monitoring systems.
- First class air quality measurement at hot spots or any other point of interest utilizing turn¬key systems features that enable cost effective monitoring by a much larger community of users as it is simple to set up, operate and maintain.
- Gather air quality data more quickly with the world’s first out of-the-box plug-and-play compact multi gas air quality monitoring system.
- Measure anywhere you want due to very compact dimensions.
- Measure a wide variety of pollutants in a modular platform – with up to seven ambient air analyzers measuring CO, NO, NO2, NOX, O3, SO2, H2S, VOC and new PM10 and PM2.5 as well as a variety of Indoor Air Quality Sensors. Tailor it to your specific needs with our unique SIP sensor interface platform.
- Access the monitoring and raw data without special software, standard internet connection and web browser will do.